
It’s very possible that you haven’t had accurate and realistic information available to you about adoption, or you have been embarrassed, afraid, or influenced by some of the negative things you have heard about adoption to even ask questions. This section will help you learn the truth about adoption and how it can benefit you, and especially, your baby.

Many people have misconceptions about the adoption process. If you expressed to someone that you were considering adoption they may have said something to you like, “Oh, adoption isn’t good for your baby,” or, “You will regret that decision.” These comments are made by people who have a false understanding of adoption.

Did you know that you can choose your baby’s parents, and often, the baby can go straight home with them from the hospital? There are many misconceptions about adoption, so be sure to do your research and ask questions.

If you would like more information about adoption, or would like to get in contact with an Adoption Associates agent, please call us at the Lennon Center (313) 277-5637. We would love to help answer your questions and guide you in the right direction.

Please visit the Adoption Associates website for more information regarding adoption questions, concerns, fears, or interests.

Still have questions? Our trained team is here to help!